Why Thankyou.
4,017 hits!! Aw, shucks you guys!!
No, seriously! Thanks! It it quite exciting to be getting even just blogger stats back.... now comes the harder sell - if you click on the title of any recent post it takes you to the 'post-page' and there YOU CAN COMMENT. Yes, I know. Interaction is the next big. Totes!
Also following is nice, I have four very lovely followers and I don't bite or over update or anything, so please do. But to celebrate what happens already here is some love and a little chick that was supposed to get uploaded sometime way back nearer easter.
Isn't he the cutest?
No, seriously! Thanks! It it quite exciting to be getting even just blogger stats back.... now comes the harder sell - if you click on the title of any recent post it takes you to the 'post-page' and there YOU CAN COMMENT. Yes, I know. Interaction is the next big. Totes!
Also following is nice, I have four very lovely followers and I don't bite or over update or anything, so please do. But to celebrate what happens already here is some love and a little chick that was supposed to get uploaded sometime way back nearer easter.
Isn't he the cutest?
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Miss! Miss! Pick me, over here! Please! Miss?