So, I have three projects in MUDfest this year and would lovelovelove for you to be involved. They are all quite different.

Waiting. For. Eurovision.

A short and affectionate pastiche.

Wait, so this is a play where nothing happens twice, all under the required limit of a 3min song?

- 3 actors.

- Director?

- 10 min play.

- 2 songs.

- Much love.

- In MudClub.

- One Show

Is This Too Framed?

A Directed Play Reading/workshop

Enter the frames of an exhibition; a performance; a dance; a song through an open bar. How else can one curate art that is dead?

- Many, many actors required

- Production involvement.

- Full length play

- It's a reading so you'll have scripts on the night

- Minimal rehearsal, maximum awesome-ness

- Includes debrief and chance to workshop play post-reading

- Guild?

- One Show

Curtain Call.

As part of Tastings.

It’s washing day and the play is written by Gracie, as she remembers to forget.

- 4 actors

- Director.

- Designer.

- 20 min play

- As part of the TASTINGS program so opportunity for proffessional mentoring

- Two Shows as part of the showcase.
